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Chloë’s Daily Green Juice

Everyone is always asking me for my green juice recipe. It’s something I make every day, (unless I’m ultra busy and grab one from @erewhonmarket instead). And so I wanted to share my basic daily recipe. Sometimes I mix it up and add in some pineapple or wheatgrass too. But today kept it simple. The beauty of green juice is, you can add whatever you have in your fridge or whatever your body is craving that day. Like if you’re sick, add in some fresh ginger. Or have excess citrus from the farmers market, add in an orange. It kept me going through all my treatment for breast cancer. I swear it’s part of the reason I kept so much more hair than my cold cappers suggested I would lose. My skin always feels glowy and it definitely helped with bringing my blood work up and energy levels back post chemo. It’s also just good for anyone to drink daily to help cleanse the body, getting the digestive system ready for your day, and helps fight inflammation. Just make sure all produce is organic to avoid pesticides and make sure to dispose of the peelings in your green bin! 💚🌱

Recipe makes 2 glasses of juice. So you can save one for the next morning or share it with someone special!

1 bunch organic lacinato kale

1 handful organic spinach

1 organic organic apple

1 organic organic lemon

1 organic organic orange (sometimes I’ll use 1/2 cup organic pineapple instead)

1 bunch organic celery

1 orangic English cucumber (or 4 small Persian cucumbers)

(1 tbsp fresh ginger optional)

I also like to add 1/4 cup wheatgrass sometimes if I find it for detox purposes

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